Mid May Madness
My resilience has paid off, and you're about to get a new book. Johannesburg, South Africa, 2020. It's just another day in Erika's life...
Mid May Madness
Let's celebrate
It's my birthday month
The Truly Epic Fantasy Book Fair
Sci-Fi & Fantasy Giveaways & Discounted Books
Upcoming books & a FREE deal
We have a winner!
February Fantasy Feast
A cover reveal for the New Year
'Tis the season of giving 🐲🐲🐲
Magic is happening again
A new look and back in action
Setbacks won't get me down
Beta's, ARC's + Win $100 Amazon GC
New look and something for free
So much excitement
The new, the old and the beautiful
So, I was a Ravenclaw prefect
A Viking Thing... Amongst other things.
It's time for something new