Our American friends are celebrating freedom, and so am I
I have not been independent of a day job in 23 years. It feels strangely liberating, if somewhat scary. Many of my peers are saying it was the push I needed to fulfil my dream of being a full-time author, but there's a lot more to it than simply not having a day job. To be honest, I don't know how I used to manage it before. I am now busy from 8 am until 6 pm every day, and sometimes, I'll work in the evenings, too. One thing is for sure, though. I am absolutely loving it!

The Fae Prophecy is advancing quickly, now.
Well, at least books 3 and 4 are. I am preparing books 1 and 2 for my editor, but my beta readers keep sending me notes of what to put in, what to change, what to take out, and what I missed.
It is incredible what all goes into writing a series like this, and I am thankful I have people I can rely on to help me fill the plot holes.
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